
New version of Maplestory online welfare more music weekend double keeps

Maplestory the chaotic era version of theMaplestory Mesos much anticipated online, open PVP content, and skills enhancement for all hero players call enjoyable! To celebrate the new version of Maplestory open beta success, Maplestory official special weekend prepared a series of colorful play activities, guaranteed to keep you happy music! Experience, burst rate doubled! Happy weekend in Maplestory
Much experience Maplestory players welcome double and double burst rate event which will start on Friday night 19::0-22:00 open on time, lasted for 3 days! Week Six on Saturdays will open special 14:00-17:00 Oh! Want Buy MapleStory Mesosweekend experience the chaotic age slightly rich of game players are blessed, weekend to Maplestory happy upgrading happy treasure it! Now until July 12 to 18 points will be opened 1.5 times times at 11 o'clock every day Super Smash Brothers points! BP and experience values grow is no longer a dream! On July 9 and August 6 from 11 o'clock in the morning, will also have a special bonus, points in the Super Smash Brothers will also double Oh!! Activity during reaching certain score to get the best PVP equipment, score the higher the reward better Oh!
New version of Maplestory online welfare more music weekend double keeps
All role players of level 8 or above as long as July 2 is online you will receive the system during the giving of special gift pack limitedCheap MapleStory Mesos edition Super Smash Brothers. Opportunity only once, be sure not to miss it! Super Smash Brothers Gift Pack will contain SP Initializes the scroll, random increase 6 100 props battle are owned by one and only involved in PK can exhibit! If you are lucky, it will also likely to be sent out at random "I was lucky" medal or a series of special accessories such as Super Smash Brothers Cash props! Now until August 10 at and below theBuy Mesos player successfully rise to the level 80 or above level 40 player in the current level on the basis of up to 40 levels with regard to the NPC  received the career award. Brutality of rewards including adventurer ring of, Divine Wings earrings and so on. Super high property, how can free delivery or not? Happy upgrading, need for equipment waiting for you!
Addition such activities, more exciting activities you participate. "Old players recalled" old and activities to all players with Super utility's five great ceremony, valuable skills reset scroll make older players remove the burden of The Matrix Reloaded! Many new players the same welfare! On the line to get the games gifts, Cheap Mesosupgrades are more present at International Conference Centre, from the game PK also have the opportunity to obtain the best equipment!

